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        What does IT stand for?

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        Rank Abbr.Meaning
        ITInternet Times
        ITInformation Technology
        ITInternational Trade
        ITIndia Today (newspaper)
        ITIndividual Training
        ITItaly (Including Sardinia & Sicily)
        ITInstitute of Technology
        ITInvestment Trust
        ITInnovative Technology
        ITInformation Theory
        ITIncome Tax
        ITInitial Test
        ITIndividual Therapy
        ITInnovative Test
        ITIntegrated Testing
        ITIntegration Test
        ITIntegration Testing
        ITInternet Tonight (TechTV)
        ITInfluence Technology
        ITIran Time (GMT+0300)
        ITInjury Time (soccer)
        ITInstrument Team
        ITInstrument Test
        ITInclusive Tour
        ITIowa Telecom
        ITInside Terminal (telephony)
        ITInspiration Technology (Compaq)
        ITIntegrated Terminal
        ITIntermediate Technology
        ITInstructor Trainer (American Red Cross)
        ITImagine That
        ITInstructional Technology (educational technology)
        ITInternational Terrorism
        ITInstitutional Training
        ITIon Trap
        ITInformation Systems Technician (US Navy Rating)
        ITIntegral Transform
        ITInflation Targeting
        ITInheritance Tree (MIB)
        ITIn Transition
        ITInstant Teller (CIBC Banking, Canada)
        ItItalic (linguistics)
        ITIntermittent Therapy
        ITInteroperability Test
        ITIndustrial Trainee
        ITIn Topic
        ITIntegrated Teaming (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
        ITIntercity Transit
        ITImperial Tobacco
        ITImmortal Technique (rapper)
        ITInterline Transfer (CCD image devices)
        ITIliotibial Band
        ITIcy Tower (game)
        ITIncidental Take
        ITImmunology Today
        ITIlluminatus Trilogy (book series by R. A. Wilson & R. Shea)
        ITImpulse Tracker (digital music)
        ITIschial Tuberosity
        ITInformation Terminology
        ITIndie Talk (filmmaking web community)
        ITIncentive Training (US DoD)
        ITIncredible Technologies, Inc. (gaming manufacturer; Arlington Heights, IL)
        ITInanimate Target
        ITImproved Touring (racing forum)
        ITInstituto de Telecomunicações (Portuguese: Telecommunications Institute)
        ITInferotemporal Cortex (brain area)
        ITIntegrated Timeline
        ITInterruptible Transportation (low priority transportation service)
        ITIgnition Transformer
        ITIlmatorjunta (Finnish: Anti-aircraft defence)
        ITInactivity Test
        ITInsuficiencia Tricuspidea (Spanish: Tricuspid Insufficiency)
        ITInsulating Transformer
        ITInstructor Text Book
        ITIntelligent Terrain
        ITIntegrated Trials
        ITIntermediate Trunk
        ITInner Targets
        ITIndecisive Time (Kids Next Door TV show)
        ITInternodal Transport (Sprint)
        ITInterstitial Transfer
        ITInspection Traveler
        ITInternational Technology Division
        ITIncome Tax Ruling Series (IRS)
        ITIncreasing Term Rider (life insurance)
        ITIndirectly Tunable
        ITIconoclastic Titans (Quake 3 CTF Clan)

        Note: We have 63 other definitions for IT in our Acronym Attic

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