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Definition of if
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a : in the event that
b : allowing that
c : on the assumption that
d : on condition that
2 : whether asked if the mail had come I doubt if I'll pass the course
3 —used as a function word to introduce an exclamation expressing a wishif it would only rain
4 : even though : although perhaps an interesting if untenable argument
5 : and perhaps not even few if any changes are expected —often used with notdifficult if not impossible
if anything
: on the contrary even : perhaps even if anything, you ought to apologize
nounDefinition of if (Entry 2 of 2)
1 : condition, stipulation the question … depends on too many ifs to allow an answer — Encounter
2 : supposition
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The first known use of if was before the 12th century
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