Loveland veteran asks for public’s help in finding stolen journal

A Loveland veteran is asking for the public's help in finding a journal that was recently stolen from his truck and contains some of his final memories from his time in the military.
Latest Headlines

A year after Senate Bill 181 OK’d, regulators poised to tackle heart of sweeping oil, gas changes
State regulators writing new oil and gas rules have carried on through a global pandemic and massive turmoil in the industry. That might have been the easy part for the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, now poised to plunge into the heart of the law that mandates sweeping changes.

Community Briefs: Gallery openings, theater offerings and events in the Loveland area
News of gallery openings, theater offerings and events in the Loveland area.
Special Sections

Reopening of Estes Park and RMNP
Reopening Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park Summer 2020 A special publication by Estes Park Trail-Gazette highlighting the reopening of Estes Park and RMNP. Your guide to visiting Estes Park, Colorado in the Summer of 2020. View Full Screen

Letters: Equality; Loveland common consumption area; better citizens
In 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. said, "White America must recognize that justice for black...

Mexican spices flavor Tomato-Corn Chowder
Corn is starting to arrive in grocery stores. I also spotted local Amish tomatoes at...

Foundation pledges $500K for Front Range Community College health careers center in Fort Collins
The Noel Barrett Shuler Foundation has pledged $500,000 to help Front Range Community College build...
Business Spotlight

Fossil Creek Nursery: A Spacious, Park-Like Shopping Experience
By Emma Castleberry for Reporter-Herald For Nate and Heidi Fetig, second generation co-owners of Fossil...