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Definition of so
(Entry 1 of 7)
1a : in a manner or way indicated or suggested do you really think so —often used as a substitute for a preceding clauseare you ready? I think soI didn't like it and I told her so
b : in the same manner or way : also worked hard and so did she
c : thus sense 1 for so the Lord said — Isaiah 18:4 (King James Version)
d : then, subsequently and so home and to bed
2a(1) : to an indicated or suggested extent or degree had never been so happy —used chiefly in negative constructions with a following correlative element introduced by asthought that his share wasn't so big as his brother's
(2) : to the same extent or degree : to such a degree : as sense 1
c : to a definite but unspecified extent or degree can only do so much in a day
d : most certainly : indeed you did so do it
3 : therefore, consequently the witness is biased and so unreliable
conjunctionDefinition of so (Entry 2 of 7)
1a : with the result that the acoustics are good, so every note is clear
b : in order that be quiet so he can sleep
2 archaic : provided that
3a : for that reason : therefore don't want to go, so I won't
b(1) —used as an introductory particleso here we are often to belittle a point under discussionso what?
(2) —used interjectionally to indicate awareness of a discoveryso, that's who did it or surprised dissent
so as to
: in order to
adjectiveDefinition of so (Entry 3 of 7)
1 : conforming with actual facts : true said things that were not so
2 : marked by a desired order his books are always just so
3 —used to replace a preceding adjectivewas witty by adult standards and of course doubly so by mine— Sally Kempton
pronounDefinition of so (Entry 4 of 7)
1 : such as has been specified or suggested : the same if you have to file a claim, do so as soon as possible
2 —used in the phrase or so to indicate an estimate, approximation, or conjecturestayed a week or socost $15 or so
nounDefinition of so (Entry 6 of 7)
south; southern
Definition of SO (Entry 7 of 7)
1 seller's option
2 strikeout
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The first known use of so was before the 12th century
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