The Power of Being Proactive
When IT is under pressure to make it all work, your next move matters. Discover all the real-time insight you need to resolve all kinds of disruptions before they happen.
Stop guessing. Start nexthinking.

Nexthink Experience
The cloud-native platform for managing digital employee experience
Nexthink Experience pinpoints issues and solutions, automates response and helps you continuously improve the employee experience.

Real-time Analytics & Insights
Obtain real-time, actionable insights into every employee and activity, at every moment - across devices, operating systems, and any workplace location.

Targeted Employee Engagement
Conduct hyper-targeted, contextual employee engagements, correlating sentiment with technical insights to reveal unreported issues and drive awareness and self-help campaigns.

Benchmarking and Proactive Improvement
Score and benchmark the experience of internal groups, and use prioritized recommendations to proactively improve experience across the organization.

Automated Remediation
Implement AI-driven, contextual recommendations based on precise findings of issues across users, devices and infrastructure to drive better employee experiences.