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When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Everyone knows that timing is everything. But we don't know much about timing itself. Our lives are a never-ending stream of "when" decisions: when to start a business, schedule a class, get serious about a person. Yet we make those decisions based on intuition and guesswork.
Timing, it's often assumed, is an art. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Pink show ...more
Timing, it's often assumed, is an art. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Pink show ...more
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Hardcover, 272 pages
Published January 9th 2018 by Riverhead Books
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Mar 13, 2018 da AL rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: non-fiction, audio-books
The author does an entertaining job of writing and reading. He does an admirable job of making one contemplate the importance of considering timing -- one's inner rhythms and those of others. Too bad it often rings of glossy pop psychology, though -- an amalgamation of sometimes iffy statistics via sweeping conclusions...

It's my fault for reading this pathetic excuse for a book. It's not Pink's fault for writing a book that says nothing new at all or the publisher's fault for promoting a book that has absolutely no value whatsoever. I knew what it was when I picked it up. And yet, I am a sucker for self-help books that just regurgitate a bunch of soft science I already read in the New York Times. It's my fault. Don't make the same mistake.
Maybe I made this terrible decision in the afternoon?
Maybe I made this terrible decision in the afternoon?

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is the fourth book by bestselling American author, Daniel H. Pink. If we’re making an important life decision, what we decide obviously requires careful consideration. But what about when we decide? Could the time of day that we make a decision be significant? Could the time of day affect how well we learn or do our work? Does it really matter when we have that first cup of coffee? According to Dan Pink, it definitely does.
In this intriguing bo ...more
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is the fourth book by bestselling American author, Daniel H. Pink. If we’re making an important life decision, what we decide obviously requires careful consideration. But what about when we decide? Could the time of day that we make a decision be significant? Could the time of day affect how well we learn or do our work? Does it really matter when we have that first cup of coffee? According to Dan Pink, it definitely does.
In this intriguing bo ...more

This book is very engaging, even entertaining. It is all about how timing can affect our lives. I didn't read the book--I listened to the audiobook, and it is read by the author, Daniel Pink. Usually, authors do not make good narrators, but this audiobook is definitely the exception. Daniel Pink is a marvelous reader. He brings a good voice, and remarkable enthusiasm to his narration. So, if you are planning to read this book, I wholeheartedly recommend the audiobook version.
Unfortunately, what ...more
Unfortunately, what ...more

I feel I have to stress that the title of this book is very misleading. This book doesn't convey any actual secrets and it also doesn't teach you much about perfecting your timing in any of the various scenarios that it covers. What it does teach you, is that there are certain trends and rhythms in many aspects of one's life, from your daily energy and focus levels to more general feelings and commonalities people experiences during a lifetime. There are also the few obligatory case studies focu ...more

Feb 24, 2018 7jane rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: to have perfect timings in your everyday life and self-improvement
(since my paperback version is not here, I use the hardcover one.)
music: Robert Palmer - "Housework" (like the little twist to the story in this song)
This book is a good one to have when trying to improve one's life, at work and at home. When-decision times come in so many ways: changing jobs, starting a project, running a marathon, when to exercise... it's importantly to do things not in a haphazard way, especially with important decisions.
This book is good when you want to build an ideal sched ...more
music: Robert Palmer - "Housework" (like the little twist to the story in this song)
This book is a good one to have when trying to improve one's life, at work and at home. When-decision times come in so many ways: changing jobs, starting a project, running a marathon, when to exercise... it's importantly to do things not in a haphazard way, especially with important decisions.
This book is good when you want to build an ideal sched ...more

In WHEN: THE SCIENTIFIC SECRETS OF PERFECT TIMING, author Daniel Pink shares scientific, surprising findings that have serious consequences. Did you know, for instance, that the timing of your surgery is important? Studies show that far more mistakes are made later in the day, so be sure to get a morning appointment! Similarly, if you are in court, the disposition of the judge is a lot more lenient in the morning.
To work the most efficiently, it's important to figure out your own cycle of effect ...more
To work the most efficiently, it's important to figure out your own cycle of effect ...more

Pink has written a gem of a how-to book that cites and summarizes a huge amount of research on how to get things accomplished more efficiently, despite basic biological/organizational challenges like afternoon lulls and beginning-of-project chaos.
Readers will close the book with several ideas about how to make better, happier use of each day's hours. Don't miss the last section on the joys of synchronicity, from crew to choral singing to the tradition in India of lunch delivery.
Highly recommend ...more
Readers will close the book with several ideas about how to make better, happier use of each day's hours. Don't miss the last section on the joys of synchronicity, from crew to choral singing to the tradition in India of lunch delivery.
Highly recommend ...more

When is an exploration of how timing effects everything we do and achieve. Some things covered in this book include the afternoon slump, how starting your career during a recession affects your lifetime earnings, and how working together with others in a cohesive environment produces more positive results than working alone.
This book contains some interesting tidbits, but for me, most of it falls under the category of common sense. Therefore, I didn't feel its points were particularly revolution ...more
This book contains some interesting tidbits, but for me, most of it falls under the category of common sense. Therefore, I didn't feel its points were particularly revolution ...more

I really liked When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink. The book was interesting. I was into it from the get-go but the last chapter was probably my favorite - thinking in terms of tenses.
The book discusses the factor of time, in many facets of life: The impact of one decision and the timing in which you arrived at that decision. It discusses (among other things) the hidden pattern of every day life, beginnings, midpoints, and ends, synching and belonging, and thinking in ...more
The book discusses the factor of time, in many facets of life: The impact of one decision and the timing in which you arrived at that decision. It discusses (among other things) the hidden pattern of every day life, beginnings, midpoints, and ends, synching and belonging, and thinking in ...more

I am a fan of Pink. In this book he talks about timing.
1. Most people do well in analytical tasks and have better mood in the morning, worse in the afternoon, and slightly better in the evening. That is, except the night owls.
2. Breaks are powerful and improve performance. A power nap of 20 minutes is good; it is even better if one drinks coffee just before the nap so that when one wakes up the coffee perks one up.
3. Beginnings are important. Students who start later for school do better. Gra ...more
1. Most people do well in analytical tasks and have better mood in the morning, worse in the afternoon, and slightly better in the evening. That is, except the night owls.
2. Breaks are powerful and improve performance. A power nap of 20 minutes is good; it is even better if one drinks coffee just before the nap so that when one wakes up the coffee perks one up.
3. Beginnings are important. Students who start later for school do better. Gra ...more

Read the full review at my blog Digital Amrit
I used to believe that timing was everything. Now I believe that everything is timing.
What is the book about?
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is written by Daniel Pink, famed author of books like Drive, A Whole New Mind, To Sell is Human etc.
Daniel Pink talks about the importance of timing in this book. According to him, Timing is an emerging science and he explores this science further in ‘When’. Some of the themes he covers in this bo ...more
I used to believe that timing was everything. Now I believe that everything is timing.
What is the book about?
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is written by Daniel Pink, famed author of books like Drive, A Whole New Mind, To Sell is Human etc.
Daniel Pink talks about the importance of timing in this book. According to him, Timing is an emerging science and he explores this science further in ‘When’. Some of the themes he covers in this bo ...more

I picked this up because lately, I can’t shake a sense of panic about time slipping through my fingers (babies becoming biggies will do that, so too will turning 39 in a few weeks, which the author spends some time talking about - “the nines” and how they approach life). No big surprises in this book but a quick and fun read nonetheless. Also, So. Much. Stanford. But I love that place, so...

The book starts with an example from the World War I when Lusitania was hunted down by a German U-boat, killing around 1200 passengers. Then Daniel H. Pink points out that decisions made by the captain of the cruise ship played a huge role in this tragedy, and coincided specifically with the time of the day.
With an abundant introduction of various research methods, involving sentiment analysis and techniques such as DRM, the author describes why a reader should pay special attention to the time ...more
With an abundant introduction of various research methods, involving sentiment analysis and techniques such as DRM, the author describes why a reader should pay special attention to the time ...more

The first 'when-to?' among crowded 'how-to?' book genre
+ brief, enjoyable and clever
+ lots of useful and practical advice
+ plenty of insightful examples
+ well-crafted non-fiction with memorable anecdotes and vignettes
+ does not go into 'scientific' depth behind the phenomena discussed. it stays a quite 'high-level' throughout
Perfect 'commuter companion' for planes or trains ;)
+ brief, enjoyable and clever
+ lots of useful and practical advice
+ plenty of insightful examples
+ well-crafted non-fiction with memorable anecdotes and vignettes
+ does not go into 'scientific' depth behind the phenomena discussed. it stays a quite 'high-level' throughout
Perfect 'commuter companion' for planes or trains ;)

2018 Goodreads Choice Awards semifinal nominee
‘He [Pink] offers practical advice in the form of “life hacks,” which feel modern, relevant and timely…Pink’s engaging prose and useful advice make for some entertaining and engaging reading. This is one highly readable volume about a fascinating topic that affects us all in a multitude of different ways.’
AU Review
‘An appreciation of time, some might say an obsession to the fraction of a second, seems to set humans apart from all other species…Desp ...more
‘He [Pink] offers practical advice in the form of “life hacks,” which feel modern, relevant and timely…Pink’s engaging prose and useful advice make for some entertaining and engaging reading. This is one highly readable volume about a fascinating topic that affects us all in a multitude of different ways.’
AU Review
‘An appreciation of time, some might say an obsession to the fraction of a second, seems to set humans apart from all other species…Desp ...more

I'm not a big fan of non-fiction, but this book turned out to be great.
The author is undoubtedly fascinated by the topic of time in human life and is able to convey this fascination to his readers in an amazing way. I reached for this book because I needed it for one of my reading challenges, and not because of any particular interest in this topic. But as soon as I started reading, I was as fascinated by this subject as the author himself. It's a great feeling.
At least partly it is due to how t ...more
The author is undoubtedly fascinated by the topic of time in human life and is able to convey this fascination to his readers in an amazing way. I reached for this book because I needed it for one of my reading challenges, and not because of any particular interest in this topic. But as soon as I started reading, I was as fascinated by this subject as the author himself. It's a great feeling.
At least partly it is due to how t ...more

I wish I could do 3.5 stars. This book was a little slow/repetitive to start but the useful tips and exercises throughout have had me quoting it for the past week and gave me some good work ideas: including ending the day with a quick thank you email to someone. Worth the read if you’re looking for ways to strategize your time or make a fresh start.

Unless you’re a night owl, prepare to make your sales calls, schedule your classes, and attend your criminal trial early in the morning because science.
The time of day affects how the brain functions, and early in the day, our minds are more vigilant. For most, alertness and energy levels tend to peak around noon. This means you want to solve all your analytical problems in the morning (when your brain is processing data best), and all your insight problems in the afternoon (you want your filte ...more
The time of day affects how the brain functions, and early in the day, our minds are more vigilant. For most, alertness and energy levels tend to peak around noon. This means you want to solve all your analytical problems in the morning (when your brain is processing data best), and all your insight problems in the afternoon (you want your filte ...more

It has some useful tips, but the books is written like a collection of lifehacks and towards the end of the book stops being about time or the 'when' problem at all.
Some research seemed dubiously attributed to the morning-afternoon hypothesis because it originally targeted other problems related to our thinking and I'm not convinced you can just change "before/after mealtime" research into "morning/afternoon" like Pink did without running a new research.
On top of that, somewhere midway it start ...more
Some research seemed dubiously attributed to the morning-afternoon hypothesis because it originally targeted other problems related to our thinking and I'm not convinced you can just change "before/after mealtime" research into "morning/afternoon" like Pink did without running a new research.
On top of that, somewhere midway it start ...more

“When” is destined to become required reading for all college students regardless of major. Daniel H. Pink shines the stage lights on Perfect timing, bringing it out of the shadows of mystic good ol’ fashioned luck and showcasing it as a learnable, teachable and accomplishable part of the show of life. This may have been the first time I read about studies and laughed. Mr. Pink’s humor and chapter summations kept me going at just the right time.

Excellent book on when you need to do something (work, relax, decision making etc). I like all of Daniel's books - but this one is the best!

Sometimes an interesting book of popular science writing about time and timing related research. At other times, a not-as-interesting self-help book for the overextended and/or the procrastinator. I recommend you skim over the self-help book and enjoy the popular science book. The popular science book still gives some good ideas about how to behave.
There are some pretty terrifying statistics that should give second thoughts to anyone with an appointment for surgery in the afternoon. However, the ...more
There are some pretty terrifying statistics that should give second thoughts to anyone with an appointment for surgery in the afternoon. However, the ...more

Pink talks about why time and how we use it matters. But unlike a typical productivity book, this one is based on your own rhythms and needs, coupled with what science has said about those things. The biggest take away is that the dip in productivity and clarity in the middle of the day is average across all types of people and maybe is best used not on your brainy tasks, but on the mundane. That, or, prior to those brainy needs mid-day, time is offered for a break, a walk, socializing, or other ...more

Daniel Pink has already written a couple of best-selling books, and it’s safe to say this one will be his latest. It’s a book about timing, the “when” side of the “what” coin. When is a lot more critical than most of us assume. And it’s importance is naturally underscored simply because “when” seems less controllable than “what”.
But both assumptions are generally wrong. Or at least a bit myopic. We can adapt the what to the when in most cases. And we can control the when, perhaps by starting ove ...more
But both assumptions are generally wrong. Or at least a bit myopic. We can adapt the what to the when in most cases. And we can control the when, perhaps by starting ove ...more

I read Dan Pink's Drive before I read his A Whole New Mind, which was a better order because Drive was better written and had a more accurate message than Mind. Okay, a message that resonated better. When is as good as Drive, if not as much a paradigm shifter. But it is still a think prompter.
Dan Pink writes an easy read...he's really good at it. Drive is excellent. And, as with Drive, he's very good at summarizing the extensive research he's done on this book - which he provides in his end note ...more
Dan Pink writes an easy read...he's really good at it. Drive is excellent. And, as with Drive, he's very good at summarizing the extensive research he's done on this book - which he provides in his end note ...more

Very well written, with a touch of humour. The book is about what we feel at different times of day and different times of our life. But not all of the info is practically useful; some of the info is only emotionally useful, but that is still a good thing. For example, it is typical for people to feel a slump, a lack of motivation, in the middle of their lives, and this can take some of the edge of a person's guilt for not getting goals achieved by a set time.
Other examples:
It is typical to fee ...more
Other examples:
It is typical to fee ...more

Definitely some worthwhile information in here, but I see this as more of a read to skim than a deep dive. Pink does a good job of backing up his points with research and also cites a few books to check out afterwards. I did take note of a few of the tidbits he shared, but didn't feel like I walked away learning anything that was incredibly surprising or life changing.
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Goodreads Librari...: Please correct the cover of this edition of this book (Updated with Amazon links and links to high-res images) | 1 | 15 | Oct 27, 2019 09:41AM | |
Play Book Tag: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink--5 (surprising) stars | 6 | 19 | Oct 31, 2018 12:27PM | |
CMLE Librarian Pr...: * April 2018 Book: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing | 1 | 6 | Apr 09, 2018 12:18PM |
Daniel H. Pink is the author of six provocative books — including his newest, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.
WHEN has spent 4 months on the New York Times bestseller list and was named a Best Book of 2018 by Amazon and iBooks.
Dan's other books include the long-running New York Times bestseller A Whole New Mind and the #1 New York Times bestsellers Drive and To Sell is Human. His ...more
WHEN has spent 4 months on the New York Times bestseller list and was named a Best Book of 2018 by Amazon and iBooks.
Dan's other books include the long-running New York Times bestseller A Whole New Mind and the #1 New York Times bestsellers Drive and To Sell is Human. His ...more
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“coffee-then-nap combination known as the “nappuccino.” — 16 likes
“Afternoons are the Bermuda Triangles of our days. Across many domains, the trough represents a danger zone for productivity, ethics, and health.” — 8 likes
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